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Saturday, November 30, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Barataan Oromo Marketing Waggaa 3ffaa Yuunivarsiitii Gondar keessatti Ajjeefamee fi Kanneen Kaan Hidhamuun Gaaffii Mirgaa Barattootaa Duubatti Hin Deebifne,FDG Dhaadatnoo” WE NEED FREEDOM” Jedhuun Itti Fufe

Sadaasa 27,2013 Gabaasa Qeerroo Uni,Gonder

Mootummaan abbaa irree Wayyaaneen humnaan diddaa kana dura dhaabbachuuf yaaluun barattoota hedduumminaan mana hidhaatti ukkaamsus yeroo ammaa kana barattootni daran diddaa jabeessuun barattootni kanneen hidhaman haa hiikaman jechuun sagalee isaanii dhageessisuu irratti argamu. Qondaalotii fi bulchitooti Mootummaan Wayyaanees kutannaa barattootaan kan baarage gaaffiiwwan mirgaa kana kaastu taanaan nyaata isin dhorkina jedhus barattootni Oromoo gamtaan dhaadannoo hidhamtootni haa hiikaman jedhu yuunivarsiitiilee keessatti maxxansuun diddaa itti fufanii jiran. Ilmaan Oromoo marti, barattootni hundi carraan rasaasaan ajjeefamuu waan nu eeggatuuf akka mirga ofii mirkanfachuuf ka’anis Qeerroon Yuunivarsiitii Gondar dhaammatanii jitan
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
North American Oromo’s Appeal Letter about Oromo Refugees in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The following is an appeal letter from the Oromo Studies Association, the Oromo Community Association of Chicago, the Oromo Community Association of Ohio, the Oromo Community Association of Michigan, the Oromo Community Association of Kentucky, the Oromo Community of Minnesota, the Minnesota Oromo Elders Council, and the Oromo Community of South Dakota.
November 25, 2013
Mr. Antonio Guterres
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Case Postale 2500
CH-1211 Genève 2 Dépôt Suisse
Email:; guterres
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Case Postale 2500
CH-1211 Genève 2 Dépôt Suisse
Email:; guterres
Subject: North American Oromo’s Appeal Letter about Oromo Refugees in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Dear Mr. Guterres,
We, the Oromo community associations in North America and the Oromo Studies Association, write this letter in relation to the situation of the Oromo refugees and asylum seekers from Ethiopia. We heard and observed with disbelief and a profound sense of grief the awful news coming from Saudi Arabia. The graphic images and videos of indiscriminate beatings of defenseless immigrant workers, ostensibly by Saudi Arabian law enforcement officials and vigilantes, clearly shocked and enraged us. Law enforcement officials have randomly rounded up, kept tens of thousands of the immigrants in concentration camp-type facilities, and deported many thousands more to Ethiopia without regard to individual cases and needs. While we have sympathy for all Ethiopians who have been subjected to untold suffering in Saudi Arabia, we like to call your attention to the unique case of Oromo immigrants who are lumped together with all Ethiopians and subject to arbitrary measures.
The Oromo people, the single largest nation in the Horn of Africa, constitute about 40 percent of the population of Ethiopia. The ruling Ethiopian regime, dominated by the former rebel group Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), came to power in 1991, following the collapse of the military dictatorship of Mengistu Hailemariam. The TPLF hails from the Tigray people of North Ethiopia that approximately constitutes about 6 percent of the Ethiopian population. The Oromo country, the largest and richest region in Ethiopia, is often considered the breadbasket and the economic backbones of Ethiopia. Therefore, in Ethiopia, despite their numeric superiority and richness of their land, the Oromo have always been treated as a minority group, perpetually subjected to political, economic, and cultural depredations and dispossession. Because of their preponderant number, the Tigrayan minority considers the Oromos an existential threat to its political hegemony. For this reason, the TPLF regime is hell-bent on weakening the human, economic, and intellectual capacity of the Oromo people. Political killings, abductions and disappearances, unlawful imprisonments and torture against the Oromo people have been widespread for over two decades. To escape from such gross human rights violations, many Oromo refugees have been forced to flee their homeland and are dispersed all over Africa and the world. Oromo Refugees are experiencing a multitude of human right violations including violent attacks, torture and rape, and falling prey to human traffickers and body organ harvesters. Notwithstanding the fact that the Ethiopian government is hunting them in refugee camps to kill them, or forcefully taking them back to Ethiopia by either pressuring host countries or bribing security officers.
Unfortunately, in several hosting countries, the local people see these refugees as job stealers and criminals, and are hostile to them. Out of thousands of refugees and immigrant workers, indeed, it is unavoidable to have a few trouble-makers. Reports obtained from refugees suggest strongly that the majority of individuals who are involved in illegal activities are, in fact, agents of the Ethiopia government and want to tarnish the image of the immigrants.
The Oromo Support Group (OSG), the Human Rights League of Horn of Africa (HRLHA), and the Human Rights Watch (HRW), have documented numerous cases of rapes, abduction, tortures and killings of UNHCR recognized Oromo refugees in the neighboring countries of Ethiopia. In this connection, the report of the Danish Refugee Council and Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat (DRCRMMS) noted: “The [Ethiopian] regime had made alliances with neighboring countries. Djibouti, Somalia, Yemen, Kenya committed a crime on refugees and also immigrants. The refugees, even those who are living with [the protection of the UNHCR] mandate are not safe.”
For instance, Engineer Tasfahun Chamada, a UNHCR recognized political refugee, died in prison, in August 2013, after refoulement from Kenya. In light of this fact, we believe and have a concern that the same fate awaits some of refugees and asylum seekers indiscriminately deported, under the banal of the illegal immigrants, to Ethiopia.
Given this reality, the wholesale roundups and deportations of Oromo refugees and asylum seekers to Ethiopia, along with immigrant workers, will lead to their further victimization. We urge the UNHCR to work with and encourage the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to respect the basic human rights and refugee protections under the international law.
We believe that the Saudi Arabian government has right to promulgate and enforce suzerain laws within its territories. But the Saudi government should not enforce its laws in the manner that undermines international laws and norms. Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares, “Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.”
Although we know that the majority of the refugees in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are migrant domestic workers looking for better opportunities, a sizable number of the Oromo are refugees and asylum seekers who fled political and religious persecutions in Ethiopia. We believe that grouping refugees together with the so-called immigrant workers and deporting in the indiscriminate manner violates the cardinal principle of international law, non-refoulement.
As the UNCHR makes status determination for refugees on behalf of the Kingdom, we, therefore, kindly request and urge your good office the followings:





Ibrahim Elemo, M.D., M.P.H
President, Oromo Studies Association
P.O.Box: 6541, Minneapolis, MN, 55406-0541
President, Oromo Studies Association
P.O.Box: 6541, Minneapolis, MN, 55406-0541
The Oromo Studies Association/Waldaa Qorannoo Oromoo
Oromo Community Association of Chicago
Oromo Community Association of Ohio
Oromo Community Association of Michigan
Oromo Community Association of Kentucky
Oromo Community of Minnesota and Minnesota Oromo Elders Council
Oromo Community of South Dakota
Oromo Community Association of Chicago
Oromo Community Association of Ohio
Oromo Community Association of Michigan
Oromo Community Association of Kentucky
Oromo Community of Minnesota and Minnesota Oromo Elders Council
Oromo Community of South Dakota
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Great Oromo Demonstration in Oslo ,Norway against Saudi Arabia Nov.22,2013
Thursday, November 21, 2013
በባእድ ኣገራት የጥቃት ሰለባ ለሆኑት ስደተኞች ዋነኛው ተጠያቂ የኣገር መሪ ነኝ ባዩ የወያኔ ስርኣት ነው
ኣብዛኞቹ ኦሮሞ የሆኑ የተለያዩ ብሄር ብሄረሰብ ተወላጆች ባገራቸው ሰርተው ማደግ ተስኖኣቸው በያመቱ ወደ ጎርቤትና ሩቅ ሃገራት ይሰደዳሉ። ኣብዛኞቹ በህገ ወጥ መንገድ ድንበር ኣሳብረው ጎሮቤት ኣገራት ይገባሉ። ጎሮቤት ኣገራቱ ውስጥም የወያኔ መንግስት ተጽእኖ ኣላሰራ ሲላቸው ለደህንነታቸው ሰግተው ርቀው ለመሄድ ሲሉ የከፋ ኣደጋ ያጋጥማቸዋል። በዚህ ሁኔታ በሱዳን፣ ሶማሊያ፣ ሶማሊ ላንድ፣ ፑንት ላንድ፣ ጅቡቲ፣ ኬንያ፣ ደቡብ ሱዳን፣ የመን፣ ሳውዲ ኣረቢያ፣ ዱባይ፣ ባህሬን፣ ሊባኖስ፣ ቃታር፣ ግብጽ እና ደቡብ ኣፍሪካ በመሳሰሉት ኣገራት ውስጥ ተሰድደው የሚገኙ ከኦሮሞና ከሌሎችም ብሄር ብሄረሰብ የሆኑ ዜጎች ብዛት በመቶ ሺዎች የሚገመት ነው።
ከነዚህ ስደተኞች ገሚሶቹ በፖለቲካ ችግር ሳቢያ የሚወዷትን ኣገራቸውን ለቀው የወጡ ናቸው። የተቀሩትም ባገራቸው ሰርተው የመለወጥና ራሳቸውን ችለው ቤተሰቦቻቸውን የመደገፍ እድል ተነፍገው ለተሻለ የስራ እድል ርቀው የሄዱ ናቸው። ባገራቸው ነግደው፣ ኣርሰው፣ ኣርብተው ኣልያም ባላቸው ሞያ ኣገልግለው እንዳይለወጡ ስልጣን ላይ ያለው ስርኣት እንቅፋት ሆነባቸው። የወያኔ መንግስት ባገራቸው ከማናቸውም መንግስታዊ የፖለቲካ ጉዳዮች ነጻ ሆነው ሰርተው መሻሻል የሚፈልጉትን ዜጎች የግድ የፓርቲዬ ኣባል ካልሆናችሁ እያለ ያስፈራራቸዋል። ይህን የማይቀበሉትን በሰበብ ኣስባቡ ኣደናቅፎ የስራ እድል ይዘጋባቸዋል። ኣርሶ ኣደሮቹን የማዳበሪያና የምርጥ ዘር ዋጋ ያስወድድባቸዋል ኣልያም ከናካቴው ይከለክላቸዋል። ነጋዴዎቹን ውሃ ቀጠነ ብሎ በማስቸገር የንግድ ፈቃዳቸውን ከነጠቀ በሁዋላ ይህን ያህል ሺ ገንዘብ ካልከፈልክ ኣታገኝም ይላቸዋል። ወደ ንግዱ ኣለም ለመግባት ያላቸውን ሃብት ኣስይዘው ከባንክ ገንዘብ መበደር የሚፈልጉትን በቅድሚያ የፓርቲያችን ኣባልነት መታወቂያ ኣምጣ በማለት ያሰናክላቸዋል። እነዚህ እንቅፋቶች ዜጎች ባገራቸው ሰርተው ራሳቸውንም ሆነ ኣገራቸውን እንዳያሳድጉ በማደናቀፍ ልባቸው ስደት እንዲመኝ ገፋፉ። ከኢትዮጵያ እየወጡ ወደተለያዩ ኣገራት ስራ ፍለጋ የተሰደዱ ዜጎች ቁጥር ከማናቸውም የጎሮቤቶቻችን ኣገሮች ልቆ የሚገኝበት ምክንያትም በዚህ ኣይነቱ የመንግስት ተጽእኖ ሳቢያ ነው ቢባል ማጋነን ኣይሆንም።
እነዚህ ስራ ፍለጋ የሚንከራተቱ ዜጎች የኢትዮጵያ ዜጎች እስከተባሉ ድረስ በደረሱበት ሁሉ ደህንነታቸውን የመከታተል ሃላፊነት የወደቀው ኣገር መሪ ነኝ በሚለው የወያኔ መንግስት ጫንቃ ላይ ነው። የወያኔ ህወሃት መንግስት ግን በኣንጻሩ ስደተኞቹ በደረሱባቸው ኣገራት ለሰብኣዊ ፍጡር የማይገቡ የጭካኔ እርምጃዎች ሰለባ እንዲሆኑ በማድረጉ ሴራ ውስጥ በቀጥታም ባይሆን በተዘዋዋሪ ተሳታፊ መሆንን መረጠ። በተለያዩ ጊዜያት ዜጎች ለስራ ፍላጋ በተሰደዱባቸው ኣገራት ተገድለው ሬሳቸው ጎዳና ላይ ሲጣል፣ ደማቸው እንደ ውሻ ደም የትም ሲፈስ ወያኔ ይህ ለምን ሆነ ብሎ ሲጠይቅ ኣልተሰማም። ሰርተው ለመቀየር ያለሙ የኣገራችን ሴቶች ለግርድና ስራ ወደ ኣረብ ኣገራት ተሰድደው በጭካኔ ሲገደሉ፣ ሲደፈሩና ያፈሩትን ጥሪት ሲነጠቁ በተደጋጋሚ ተሰምቷል። ኣንዳንዶቹ ምሬት ጠንቶባቸው ከፎቅ ላይ ራሳቸውን ወርዉረው ነፍሳቸውን እንዳጠፉም ይታወቃል። ከኣንድ ኣመት ገደማ በፊት ኣለም ደቻሳ የተባለች የኦሮሞ ተወላጅ በቤይሩት ጎዳና ላይ በኣገሬው ሰዎች እንደ እባብ ስትቀጠቀጥ የሚያሳይ ቪድዮ በ ዮቲዩብ መለቀቁ ይታወሳል። ኣለም በወቅቱ እነዚያ ኣረመኔ የኣረብ ወጣቶች የሴትነት ክብሯን ደፍረው እርቃኗን ጎዳና ለጎዳና እየጎተቱ ሲጫወቱባት እዚያ ኣገር የሚገኘው የወያኔ ኤምባሲ እንዲደርስላት እያለቀሰች ስትማፀን በዚያው ቪድዮ ላይ ተስምታለች። ኤምባሲው ግን ኣልደረሰላትም። የሚገርመው ደግሞ ኣለም ደቻሳ ላይ እንዲህ ያለው ዘግናኝ በደል የደረሰው የወያኔ ኤምባሲ ካለበት ሁለት መቶ ሜትሮች ብቻ ርቆ በሚገኝ ስፍራ ላይ መሆኑ ነው። የወያኔ መንግስት በዚህ ኣንገብጋቢ ጉዳይ ላይ የኣገሪቷን መንግስት የጠየቀው ነገር ኣልተሰማም።
በቅርቡም እንደሚታወቀው ሳዉዲ ኣረቢያ ውስጥ በስራ ላይ ተሰማርተው ይኖሩ በነበሩ የኢትዮጵያ ዜጎች ላይ ኣስነዋሪ የጭካኔ እርምጃዎች ለሳምንታት ሳይቁዋረጡ እየተወሰዱ ናቸው። በዚህም እርምጃ ቢያንስ የሶስት ዜጎች ህይወት ጠፍቷል። የሳውዲ ፖሊሶች ከኣገሬው ወጣቶች ጋር በመሆን ዜግነታቸው ከኢትዮጵያ በሆነ ስድተኞች ላይ የተለየ ኣስነዋሪ የጭካኔ ድርጊት ሲፈጽሙ በተቀረጸው የቪድዮ ምስል ታይተዋል። ይህ ሁሉ ሲሆን እነዚህ የሚደበደቡ፣ የሚገደሉና የሚደፈሩ ዜጎች የትውልድ ኣገር መንግስት የሆነው ወያኔ ኣፉን ሞልቶ ድርጊቱን ሲያወግዝ ኣልተሰማም።
እንደ ኢንዶኔዢያና ፊሊፒንስ ያሉ መንግስታት ዜጎቻቸው ከሳውዲ በሃይል መፈናቀላቸውን ተቃውመው ወዲያውኑ የቅሬታ መግለጫ በማውጣት የሳውዲን መንግስት ኣወገዙ። በሳውዲ የሚኖሩትን የሃገራቸው ስደተኛ ዜጎች ደህንነት ለማስጠበቅ ባላቸው ኣቅም ሁሉ እርምጃ ወሰዱ። የወያኔ መንግስት ግን እንዲህ ያለውን መንግስታዊ ሃላፊነት መወጣት ቀርቶ እንዲያውም የሳውዲን መንግስት ጸረ ሰብኣዊ መብት እርምጃ ለመደገፍ እየተሞዳሞደ መሆኑን በራሱ ላይ መስከረ። በኣገሩ ዜጎች ላይ ሳውዲ ውስጥ እየደረሰ ላለውና ኣለምን እያሳዘነ ለሚገኘው ውርደት ስሜት ኣልነበረውም። ወያኔ ዘንድ ዋጋ የሚያወጣው ለኣገሩ ዜጎች ክብር መቆም ሳይሆን ለሳውዲ ኢንቨስተሮች መሬት ሸጦ ኣልያም በነጻ ሸንሽኖ እየሰጣቸው በኣጸፋው በሚወረወርለት ጥቅማ ጥቅም የንዋይ ጥማቱን ማርካት ብቻ ነው። ዜጎች ኣገራቸው ላይ ሰርተው እንዳያድጉ በሰበብ ኣስባቡ ገፍቶ በማስወጣት እነርሱ ለቀው የሄዱለትን መሬት ዛሬ ዜጎቹን እየገደሉ ላሉት የኣረብ ጥጋበኞች ይቸበችባል። ይህ የኣንድ ጸረ ህዝብ መንግስት ትልቁ መለያ ምልክት ነው።
እንደ ሱዳን፣ የመን፣ ጅቡቲ፣ ሶማሊ ላንድ፣ ፑንት ላንድ፣ ኬንያና በመሳሰሉት ሃገራት ውስጥ ከረጅም ጊዜ በፊት ጀምሮ ከኢትዮጵያ በሄዱ ዜጎች ላይ የሚደርሰው የሞትና እንግልት ኣደጋ ተነግሮ የሚያልቅ ኣይደለም። ይህ ሁሉ ሲሆን ታዲያ የወያኔ መንግስት ከነዚያ የባእድ መንግስታት ጋር ተባብሮ ስደተኞቹን ማስገደል፣ ማሳሰርና ወደ ሃገር ቤት መልሶ ማሰቃየት ካልሆነ በስተቀር ዜጎቼ ብሎ ደርሶላቸው ኣያውቅም።
በጥቅሉ ሲታይ በባእድ ኣገራት ውስጥ በኦሮሞና ሌሎችም ብሄር ተወላጅ ስራ ፈላጊ ስደተኞች ላይ እየደረሰ ላለው ሰቆቃ ዋነኛ ተጠያቂው ባእዳኑ መንግስታት ሳይሆኑ ራሱ የወያኔ መንግስት ነው። በበርካታ ምክንያቶች ተጠያቂ ይሆናል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ ስደተኞቹን ገፍቶ ከሃገር እንዲወጡ በማድረጉ ይጠየቃል። በሁለተኛ ደረጃ ስደተኞቹ በደረሱባቸው ኣገራት ሰብኣዊ መብታቸው ተከብሮ እንዲሰሩ በኤምባሲዎቹ ኣማካኝነት ክትትል ባለማድረጉ ተጠያቂ ይሆናል። ሶስተኛ ደግሞ ስደተኞቹ በሚኖሩባቸው ኣገራት ሰብኣዊ መብቶቻቸውን ሲገፈፉ ፈጥኖ ደርሶላቸው ተገቢውን እርምጃ ኣለመውሰዱ ተጠያቂ ያደርገዋል።
ከሁሉም በላይ ግን ስራ ፈላጊዎቹ ዜጎች በገዛ ኣገራቸው ላይ ሰርተው ራሳቸውን እንዲችሉ በማበረታታት ምትክ ተስፋ ቆርጠው ስደትን እንዲመርጡ መገፋፋቱ ትልቅ መንግስታዊ ጉድለት ነው። ዜጎቹ ኣገራቸውን ለቀው ኣንዳይሄዱ ለማድረግ ከፖለቲካ ተጽእኖ ነጻ የሆነ የስራ እድል ማመቻቸት መንግስታዊ ሃላፊነቱ ነበረ። ሁሉም ዜጎች በሚኖሩባቸው ክልሎች ከማናቸውም የፖለቲካ ኣመለካከቶች ነጻ የሆነ ሰርቶ የመሻሻል እድል ማግኘት መብታቸው ነበር። ወያኔ ያንን የዜግነት መብታቸውን ቀማ። ለምሳሌ የኦሮሞ ተወላጆች በክልላቸው ኦሮምያ ውስጥ ባለው የተፈጥሮ ሃብት ተጠቅመው ሰርተው መሻሻል ይችሉ ነበር። በእርሻ፣ በከብት ርቢ፣ በንግድ እንዲሁም በሲቪል ኣገልግሎቶች መንግስታዊና መንግስታዊ ባልሆኑ መዋቅሮች ውስጥ ያላንዳች የፖለቲካ ተጽእኖ ተሰማርተው ራሳቸውንም ሆነ ኣገራቸውን መጥቀም ይችሉ ነበር። የወያኔ መንግስት ግን እነዚህን መሰል የስራ እድሎች ነጥቆኣቸው ለስደት ህይወት ዳረጋቸው። በስመ እንቬስተርነት የራሱን ካድሬዎችና ሰላዮች መልምሎ በሚሊዮን የሚቆጠር ገንዘብ ኣሸክሞ ክልሎች ላይ በማሰማራት የስራ እድሉን ነጠቃቸው።
የዚህ ችግር መንስኤ ራሱ የወያኔ መንግስት ኣድሎኣዊ ኣሰራር እስከሆነ ድረስ የችግሩ መፍትሄም በራስ ኣገር ላይ ሰርቶ የመኖርን መብት የቀማውን ስርኣት ታግሎ የራስን መብት ማስከበር ብቻ ነው። የነዚህ ስራ ፈላጊ ስደተኞች ችግር ላይ ላዩን ሲታይ የኢኮኖሚ ችግር ይምሰል እንጂ መሰረቱ ግን ኣገር ቤት ላይ የሚደርሰው የፖለቲካ ጫና መሆኑ ታውቆ የፖለቲካ መፍትሄ ሊያገኝ ይገባል። ጎሮቤት ኣገራትና መካከለኛው ምስራቅ ውስጥ ስራ ፍለጋ ሲንከራተቱ የተገደሉ፣ የተደበደቡ፣ ለኣካል ጉድለት የተዳረጉ፣ የታሰሩና በሃይል ተይዘው ወደ ኣገራቸው የተመለሱ የኦሮሞና ሌሎች ብሄሮች ተወላጅ የሆኑ ዜጎች በሙሉ ራሳቸውን መጠየቅ ያለባቸው ጥያቄም ይሄው ነው። ኦሮምያ ላይ ሌላው ሰርቶ በኣጭር ጊዜ ውስጥ ሚሊዮነር ሆነ ሲባል እኔ ለምን ኣገሬ ላይ ሰርቼ ማደግ ተሳነኝ? ለምን ለስደት ህይወት ተጋልጬ በባእድ ኣገር ላይ ተዋረኩ? የሚሉትን ጥያቄዎች ራሳቸውን ጠይቀው ምላሹንም ማግኘት ይገባቸዋል። የጥያቄዎቹ ሁሉ ምላሽም ግልጽ ነው። ከለምለሟ ኣባት ኣገራቸው ላይ ኣፈናቅሎ ለስደት የዳረጋቸውና ለራሱ ዘርፎ እየከበረበት ያለው ራሱ የወያኔ መንግስት ነው። ይሄ ምንም ጥርጥር የለውም። ይህን ሁኔታ ለመቀየር ታግሎ የሃገር ባለቤትነት መብት ማረጋገጥም ብቼኛው መፍትሄ ይሆናል።
ድል ለኦሮሞ ህዝብ!
የኦነግ ኢንፎ ዴስክ
ህዳር 20/ 2013
OLF Info Desk: Statement on the Ongoing Harassment Against Immigrants in Saudi Arabia
Godaantota Biyyoota Ambaa Keessatti Balaa Mudataniif Kan Itti Gaafatamu Sirnuma Biyyan Bulcha Ofiin Jedhu Wayyaanee ti
Ilmaan Oromoo fi sabaa fi sablammoota biroo biyya keessatti hojjetatanii guddachuu dadhabuu irraa baruma baraan biyyoota ollaa fi fagootti godaanu. Kana keessatti lakkoofsi ilmaan Oromoo haalaan guddaa dha. Irra guddaan isaanii karaa seeraan alaatiin biyyoota ollaatti godaanu. Biyyoota ollaa irrattis dhiibbaa sirna Wayyaaneetiin nageenya dhowwatamanii fagaatanii deemuuf jecha balaawwan rifaasisaa adda addaa mudatu. Haala kanaan baqattoonni Oromoo fi saboota biroo Sudan, Somalia, Somali Land, Punt Land, Djibouti, Kenya, Suudaan Kibbaa, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Bahrain, Lebanon, Qatar, Masr, Libya fi Afriikaa Kibbaatti faa godaananii argaman kumoota dhibbootaan herregamu.
Godaantonni kun gariin isaanii rakkoo siyaasaatiif biyya jaalatan irraa baqatan. Gariinis biyya keessatti dalagatanii guddachuuf, of jiraachisanii fira ofiis gargaaruuf hiree dhowwatamanii, cunqursaa bifa adda addaan hiraafamanii carraa hojii wayyaa barbaachaaf jecha biyyaa bahan. Biyya isaanii keessatti nagadanii, qotatanii yookiis ogummaa qaban birootiin hojjetanii akka hin guddanne sirna aangoo irra jirutu gufuu itti tahe. Wayyaaneen ilmaan biyyaa siyaasaa mootummaa irraa walaba tahanii hojjetatanii buluu barbaadaniin dirqamatti miseensa paartii kootii taatan malee jedhee doorsisa. Warra kana dide sababa itti barbaadee carraa dalagaa itti cufa. Warra qotatu gatii xaahoo fi sanyii filatamaa dhowwata, yookiis garmalee gatii itti qaalessa. Warra nagadu eehama daldalaa irraa fudhatee qarshii kuma hangas kafaltu malee hin argattu ittiin jedha. Warra baankii irraa horii liqeeffatee daldalatti seenuu barbaaduun dura waraqaa miseensummaa paartii keenyaa fidi ittiin jedha. Haloonni akkasii kun ilmaan biyyaa biyya abbaa isaanii irratti hojjetanii guddachuu fi biyyas guddisuu mannaa hiyyuummaa fi cunqursaa jalaa baqachuuf qalbiin isaanii akka godaansa yaadu taasise. Lakkoofsi namoota Itoophiyaa irraa gara biyyoota adda addaatti godaananii kan biyyoota ollaa keenyaa kamiiyyuu caalaa kan guddatee argameef dhiibbaa mootummaa kana fakkaatu irraati yoo jedhame dhugaa irraa fagaachuu hin tahu.
Ilmaan biyyaa kun hanga lammii Itoophiyaa jedhamanitti, bakka gahan maratti nageenya isaanii hordofee mootummoota biyya itti godaanan sanii waliin tahee tika taasisuufiin kan irra ture, mootummaa aangoo siyaasaa Itoophiyaa harkaa qabu. Mootummaan Wayyaanee TPLF garuu, faallaa kanaan, baqattootni kun marti bakka gahan maratti balaa dhala namaatiif hin malle akka mudatan gochisuu keessaa qooda qabaate. Yeroo adda addaatti wayta ilmaan biyyaa biyya hojiif jecha itti godaanan keessatti ajjeefamanii daandii irratti gataman, dhiigni isaanii akka dhiiga sareetti dhangala’u, kun maaliif tahe jedhee wayta itti gaafate hin qabu. Shamarran hojjetanii guddachuuf jecha biyyoota Arabaa gara garaatti godaanan yeroo hedduu haala kanaan ajjeefamu. Yookiis salphina namummaa isaanii irra gahe obsuu dadhabanii darbii (building) gubbaa irraa of gadhiisanii du’u. Waggaa tokko dura intalli Oromoo Alam Dachaasaa jedhamtu daandii magaalaa Beeyruut keessatti warra biyyaatiin reebamtee yoo ajjeefamtu kan agarsiisu viidiyoon tokko you tubeirratti gadhiifamee ture. Alam wayta ilmaan Arabaa gara jabeeyyiin namummaa ishii salphisanii uffata irraa baasanii qullaa lafa irra harkisanii itti taphatan, embaasiin Wayyaanee magaalaa sana keessa jiru akka dhaqqabuuf yoo waywaattu viidiyoo san irratti ni dhagahama ture. Kan nama raaju ammoo, bakki hammeenyi kana fakkaatu lammii Oromoo tana irratti raaw’atame, bakka embaasiin Wayyaanee argamu irraa fageenya meetiroota dhibba lamaan tokko hin caalle irratti ture. Sirni Wayyaanee dubbii tana irratti mootummaa biyya sanii waan gaafate hin qabu.
Dhihoo kana akkuma dhagahamaa jiru, godaantota Itoophiyaa irraa deemanii Saudi Arabia keessa turan irratti ammas tarkaanfiin farra dhala namummaa suukaneessaan torbaanotaaf walitti aansee raaw’atamaa jira. Kana keessatti yoo xiqqaate lubbuun godaantota sadii reebicha irra gaheen dabree jira. Poolisoonni Saudi dargaggoota biyya isaanii waliin tahuun lammiilee Itoophiyaa irraa achi godaanan reebuu, saamuu fi dhalaalee humnaan qabatanii gudeeduudhaan salphisan. Kunis oduu ololaa osoo hin taane qabatamaan viidiyootti warabamee interneeta irratti faca’ee jira. Kun hundi yemmuu tahu, sirni Wayyaanee kan lammiiwwan ajjeefamaa fi salphifamaa jiran biyya isaa irraa tahan afaan guutee yoo gochaa kana balaaleffatu hin dhagahamne.
Mootummoonni akka Indooneeshiyaa fi Filippiins kan lammiileen isaanii haala wal fakkaatuun Saudi keessaa ari’aman hoggasuma ibsa baasanii mootummaa Saudi balaaleffatan. Dirmannaa lammiilee biyya isaaniif qaban agarsiisan. Mootummaan wayyaanee garuu tarkaanfii fakkaataa fudhachuun haa turuutii, inumaa gochaa mootummaa Saudi kan deeggaru tahuu isaa ragaa ofirratti bahe. Salphina lammiilee biyya isaa irra gahee addunyaa gaddisiisee jiruuf gurra hin qabaanne. Isaaf kan gatii qabu investeroota Saudiitti lafa gurguratee akka dhunfaatti duroomuu dha malee kabajaa ilmaan biyyaaf quuqamee dubbachuu miti. Ilmaan biyyaa biyya ofii keessatti hojjetanii akka hin guddanne danqee, lafa isaan gadhiisanii godaanan warra achitti isaan ajjeesaa jirutti gurgurata, yoo fedhes tola kennaaf. Kun mallattoo sirna farra ummatoota bulchaan jira ofiin jedhuu akka tahe ifa galaa dha.
Balaan du’aa fi salphina wal fakkaataa biyyoota akka Suudaan, Yaman, Jabuutii, Soomaalii Laand, Puunt Laand, Keeniyaa fi kan kana fakkaatan keessatti yeroo dheeraa duraa qabee godaantota ilmaan biyyaa, keessumattuu dhalattoota Oromoo irra gahaa ture kan himamee dhumuu miti. Yeroo kun hundi tahu ammoo mootummaan Wayyaanee mootummoota biyya sanii waliin tahee godaantota kana rukuchiisuu, hiisisuu, biyyatti dabarsee zaliiluu irraa kan hafe lammiiwwan kiyyatu miidhame jedhee wayta dirmateef hin qabu.
Walumaa galatti balaa godaantota Oromoo fi sabaa fi sablammoota biroo biyya ambaa keessatti irra gahaa jiruuf kan itti gaafatamu mootummoota alagaa sana qofa osoo hin taane hangafummaatti sirna Wayyaanee mataa isaa ti. Sababa hedduuf itti gaafatama: Jalqaba dubbii, biyya keessaa dhiibee godaansisuu isaaf itti gaafatama. Lammaffaa, godaantonni kun bakka gahanitti mirgi isaanii akka eegamu irratti hojjechuu dhabuuf itti gaafatama. Sadaffaa, bakka itti godaananitti mirgi namummaa isaanii yoo salphifamu dafee sagalee dhageessisee tarkaanfii malu fudhachuu hanqatuu isaaf itti gaafatama.
Hunda caalaatti garuu akka isaan biyya ofii irratti hojjetanii hin guddanne tooftaadhaan dhiibee godaansisuutu yakka olaanaa dha. Lammiileen kun biyya isaanii gadhiisanii akka hin deemneef hiree hojii siyaasaa irraa walaba tahe aanjessuuniif qooda isaa ture. Lammiileen hundinuu naannoo naannoo isaanii keessatti mirga hojjetanii guddachuu kan dhiibbaa kamiyyuu irraa walaba tahe argachuu qabu ture. Wayyaaneen mirga abbaa biyyummaa isaanii san irraa fudhate. Fakkeenyaaf lammiileen Oromoo Oromiyaa keessatti leecalloo (resources) umamaa jirutti dhimma bahanii hojjetanii guddachu danda’u ture. Omisha bunaa, jimaa, midhaanii, albuudaa; horsiisa loonii, lukkuu, bushaalee, kotte duudaa; akkasumas tajaajila hawaasaa (civil service) caasaa mootummaa fi mit-mootummaa keessatti dhiibbaa siyaasaa tokkoon maleetti bobba’anii ofis tahee biyya isaanii guddisuu danda’u ture. Daldala irrattis akkasuma. Mootummaan Wayyaanee garuu hireelee kana mara lammiilee jalaa fudhatee godaansaaf isaan dhiibe. Maqaa investerummaatiin dabballootaa fi basaastota isaa maallaqa miiliyoonota fe’achiisee kaaba irraa bobbaasee Oromiyaa fi naannoolee biroo keessatti dalagaa lammiileen silaa dalagatanii ittiin jiraatan humna qawween jalaa fudhachiisa. Kan caalaatti nama suukanneessu ammoo, godaantota Saudii jiran irra guddaa mallaqatti gurguratuun kan achitti guuraa bahe Wayyaanee mataa isaa ti. Godaantonni haala kanaan biyyoota ambaa keessatti balaa lubbuu isaanii irra gahaa jiruuf kan itti gaafatamu qaama kamiinuu caalaatti Wayyaanee dha kan jennuufis kanumaafi.
Eega sababni rakkoo kanaa mootummaa Wayyaanee mataa isaa tahee, furmaanni rakkoo kanaas sirna Wayyaanee kan biyya ofii irratti hojjetanii guddachuu nama dhowwaa jiru kana irratti gamtaadhaan qabsaayuun mirga ofii kabajchiisuu qofa. Rakkoon godaantota kanaa gubbaan isaa yoo laalamu rakkoo dinagdeeti haa jedhamu malee, hundeen isaa inni guddaan dhiibbaa siyaasaa akka tahe beekamee furmaata siyaasaa argachuu qaba. Godaantonni Oromoo fi kan biroo biyyoota ollaa fi Baha Giddu Galeessaa keessatti hojii barbaachaaf bobba’anii ajjeefaman, reebaman, qaamaa hir’atan, hidhamanii fi humnaan qabamanii biyyatti deebifaman hundi wanni wal gaafachuu qabanis isa kana. Oromiyaa irratti gariin hojjetee yoo millionaire tahu, ani maaliifan hojjedhee bayyanachuu dadhabe? Maaliifan godaantummaaf saaxilamee salphifame? gaaffii jedhu of gaafatanii deebii isaa irras gahuun furmaata taha. Deebiin isaas ifaa dha. Kan biyya abbaa isaanii magartuu fi gabbattuu san irraa tooftaadhaan dhiibee isaan godaansisee ofii saamee ittiin sooromaa jiru dabballoota Wayyaanee ti. Kun homaa shakkii hin qabu. Haala kana jijjiiruuf biyya ofiitti deebi’anii qindaawanii qabsaayuun furmaata waa maraa taha!
Furmaata maayyiif qabsaawuun rakkoo fakkaataa deddeebi’ee biyyoota ambaa keessatti mul’atu kana irra aanuuf gargaara. Ummatni Oromoo ala jirus sagalee kanneen hiraarfamanii tahuun iyyachaafii qabsoo isaa finiinsuu qofaan rakkina kanatti xumura gochuun akka danda’amu hubatee socho’uun dirqama.
Injifannoo Ummata Oromoof!
Infoo Deeskii ABO
Sadaasa 20, 2013
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Lubbu kessan janatatti nufhaajiraachisuu
Tesfaye Metta, Long-Standing Advocate for the Oromo Cause, Dies in Belgium
Sadaasa/November 20, 2013 ·

Ob. Tesfaye Metta, Consistent and Long-Standing Advocate for the Oromo Cause expresses its condolences to the family and colleagues of Ob. Tesfaye Metta.
A Note from
“It is with great sadness to share with you disappointing news about the passing away of Ob. Tesfaye Metta in Belgium on 18th of November 2013. Ob. Tesfaye was a consistent and long-standing advocate for the Oromo cause. He solely created the Oromo community here in Belgium and supported all those who needed it. Thanks to Ob. Tesfaye, the Oromo community grew in number in the second city of Belgium, Antwerp. He had been on the forefront of the Oromo community activities in Belgium for a long time. Tesfaye had also been a very active member of the Oromo community engagements in Europe and developed an excellent relationship with Oromo youth activists internationally.Please keep Tesfaye, and his family in your thoughts and prayers”
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
onnee keenya onnee waraabeessaa ttin gaddi moo ?
please look @ this video
Wanti akka warrabeessa
sodaatu hin jiru , huumna haaqabaatu malee , onnee garuu hin qabuu .gama biraan waa ee
jagnummaa lencaa hedduun himameera (dubbatameeraa ) Gama gootummaasaatiifis yeroo mammaakamu,
‘Afaan leencaa huubni hinkajeelu’ jedhama.
haa ta'uu malee yoo iddoo
waraabeessi jiraatu yoo leenci dhufee irraa fudhachuu yaadee , warrabeessi leenca
hin sodaatuu lafa ofi irraatti loollee du' aa malee . Nuti maali taanee maa
lafa keenya barootaaf callisnee ormaaf
laanne difnee OROMIYAA irraatti hin loollee ? onnee keenya ,onnee wararabeessaati
gadii dha moo ? maali taanee? waraabeessi
sodaatuuni lee, kani hundaa caalaa goota ta'ee leencan loolla . mee ya oromo
binensoota irraa ille waa habaranuu . yoo amileedhaan umaan oromo tokumaan dina
irratti haarra ka ee Diina hinjjiifaatee dhaloota booriif
ambaa hanbisuu dandayaa . yookani ammo diinnii dhaloota dhufuus akkumaa bartee
garbumaadhaan bulchitii .egaa isaa wayyu filachuun kan keenyaa . mee yaa oromo nutii of bulchuu
hin dandeenyuu ? tarii lakkofsa kenyatuu xiqaatee laata ? moo bekkaa biyya bushu dhabnee laata ? maa ormaa jalaa jiraannaa , yoomi ofi beekna ?
otoo beeka meeqaa qabnuu , wallaallaan ormaa nu bulchaa ?
yaa oromo yeroo ammaa Wayyaaneen akka waraabeessa hadamoo irraatti madayee waan taateef ofi eguun nuraa jira . waraabeessi hadaamoo irraatti madayee akka du'uu waan beekuu fi amma ajjeessan tti namaa nyaataa . yerroo amma Wayyaaneen akka waraabeessa hadamoo irraatti maadayee tti amma du'uu tti namaa nyaataa kanaafuu ofi eeguudha .
yaa oromo yeroo ammaa Wayyaaneen akka waraabeessa hadamoo irraatti madayee waan taateef ofi eguun nuraa jira . waraabeessi hadaamoo irraatti madayee akka du'uu waan beekuu fi amma ajjeessan tti namaa nyaataa . yerroo amma Wayyaaneen akka waraabeessa hadamoo irraatti maadayee tti amma du'uu tti namaa nyaataa kanaafuu ofi eeguudha .
Injjifanoon ummata Oromoof
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Friday, November 15, 2013
“Black Day for Human Rights”: Global Outrage as UN Elects China, Cuba, Russia, Saudi Arabia to Top R
By UN Watch (Bio and Archives) Tuesday, November 12, 2013
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Comments at bottom of page | Print friendly | Subscribe | Email Us
GENEVA,—Today the UN General Assembly elected egregious human rights abusers China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Cuba, and Vietnam to the UN Human Rights Council, dealing a severe blow to the credibility and efficacy of a body that was supposed to improve on its discredited predecessor. (See below for reactions from parliamentarians.)
This is a black day for human rights,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, a Geneva-based non-governmental human rights group.
“Today the UN sent a message that politics trumps human rights, and it let down millions of victims worldwide who look to the world body for protection.”
According to a comprehensive report by UN Watch, the new Council member states perpetrate gross and systematic human rights abuses, including massive violations of the freedoms of speech, press, religion, and assembly. They were also found
to oppose UN resolutions speaking out for victims of human rights abuses in Syria, Iran, and North Korea.
Nevertheless, these states were elected today despite the appeal of a coalition of EU lawmakers and human rights groups organized by UN Watch. Signatories included European Parliament Vice-President Edward McMillan-Scott, Member of Canadian Parliament Irwin Cotler, and Secretary General of the Parliamentary Forum for Democracy Matyas Eörsi. (See their statements below.)
Today’s election results not only cast a dark shadow on the future of the Human Rights Council but also recall its recent past. In 2006, the Council was created to replace its morally corrupt predecessor, the Commission on Human Rights, which was criticized by former Secretary General Kofi Annan for its politicization and “declining credibility.”
Neuer said: “Despite the much-vaunted 2006 reform – which scrapped the discredited human rights commission and created a new and supposedly improved council — today’s election of the world’s worst human rights abusers means that we are back to square one. Instead of reform, we have regression.”
Neuer expects the following negative impacts:
- The Council will continue to turn a blind eye to egregious abuses by violators like China, Cuba, Egypt, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Zimbabwe, which have never been addressed in any UN resolution.
- Mechanisms meant to help victims will be hijacked by politicization and selectivity.
- The core principles of individual human rights will be subverted by concepts that increase power for governments.
Parliamentary leaders who signed UN Watch’s appeal to oppose several countries’ HRC bids issued the following statements in response to today’s election outcome:
Irwin Cotler, MP
Member of Canadian Parliament, Liberal Party Critic for Rights & Freedoms, International Justice
Former Justice Minister & Attorney General
“The election of seven of the world’s worst human rights violators to the United Nations Human Rights Council is an assault on the UNHCR’s mandate to ‘uphold the highest standards in the promotion and protection of human rights.’ Indeed, the election of states - all designated as “Not Free” by Freedom House in its 2013 ‘Freedom in the World’ Report -mocks the struggle for human rights, betrays its victims, and validates the on-going violations of these rights in the name of the UN. The time is long overdue to sound the alarm and restore the UNHRC to its founding principle and ideals.”
Member of Canadian Parliament, Liberal Party Critic for Rights & Freedoms, International Justice
Former Justice Minister & Attorney General
“The election of seven of the world’s worst human rights violators to the United Nations Human Rights Council is an assault on the UNHCR’s mandate to ‘uphold the highest standards in the promotion and protection of human rights.’ Indeed, the election of states - all designated as “Not Free” by Freedom House in its 2013 ‘Freedom in the World’ Report -mocks the struggle for human rights, betrays its victims, and validates the on-going violations of these rights in the name of the UN. The time is long overdue to sound the alarm and restore the UNHRC to its founding principle and ideals.”
Matyas Eörsi
Secretary General of the Parliamentary Forum for Democracy, former MP, Hungary
“The credibility of the UN already suffered serious damage when its Human Rights Committee was chaired by tyrant Gaddafi’s Libya. Countries disobeying human rights at home cannot be expected to obey human rights in the international arena. When I campaign against these countries to participate in the work of the Human Rights Council, I am fighting for the credibility of the UN.”
Secretary General of the Parliamentary Forum for Democracy, former MP, Hungary
“The credibility of the UN already suffered serious damage when its Human Rights Committee was chaired by tyrant Gaddafi’s Libya. Countries disobeying human rights at home cannot be expected to obey human rights in the international arena. When I campaign against these countries to participate in the work of the Human Rights Council, I am fighting for the credibility of the UN.”
Edward McMillan-Scott, MEP
European Parliament Vice-President for Human Rights & Democracy
“Allowing China to become a member of the UN Human Rights Council calls into question the Council’s credibility. China’s human rights record is well-documented. Numerous reports by the UN itself have highlighted degrading and inhumane treatment that is routine in China: forcible abortions, religious persecution, the oppression of minorities, etc. Former UN Rapporteur on Torture Manfred Nowak stated that the use of torture in China is “widespread”, and any attempts to discuss individual cases with the Chinese regime - such as that of disappeared but imprisoned human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng - are met with defiance, such as through the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue or any other such procedure.”
European Parliament Vice-President for Human Rights & Democracy
“Allowing China to become a member of the UN Human Rights Council calls into question the Council’s credibility. China’s human rights record is well-documented. Numerous reports by the UN itself have highlighted degrading and inhumane treatment that is routine in China: forcible abortions, religious persecution, the oppression of minorities, etc. Former UN Rapporteur on Torture Manfred Nowak stated that the use of torture in China is “widespread”, and any attempts to discuss individual cases with the Chinese regime - such as that of disappeared but imprisoned human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng - are met with defiance, such as through the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue or any other such procedure.”
Mana Barumsaa Sadarkaa 1ffaa fi 2ffaa Akaakoo Manabbichuu fi Yuunversitii Finfinnee Keessatti Barattooti Oromoo Unkaa Miseensummaa OPDO Akka Guutan Dirqisiifaman.
Gabaasa Qeerroo Finfinnee,Sadaasa 14,2013
Sadaasa 13,2013. Qeerroo godina Addaa Naannoo Finfinnee Aanaa Akaakoo Manabbichu irraa ibsuun,mana barumsaa sadarkaa 1ffaa fi 2ffaa Akaakoo Manabbichuu keessatti barattootni dhimma miseensummaa irratti barsiisota isaanii waliin walitti bu’anii kan jedhu maddi gabaasaa kanaa addeessa. Akka gadi fageenya gabasichaatti ilmaan oromoo sabboonummaa qaban kanneen mootummaa wayyaaneef hin jilbeenfanne unka miseensummaa dhaaba OPDO sadaasa 13 guyyaa keessaa sa’a 3:00AM irratti waraqaan kun isaan geenyaan barattootni hunduu daandii miseensa keessan guutuu ilaalchisee barattoota miseensa keessan ta’an qofa barsiifachuu dandeessu jechuudhaa barsiisota isaanii dhimma kana irratti keessumsiisuu dhiisuu irraan walitti bu’iinsi hanga barataa fi barsiisaan wal reebuutti gahee akka jiru gabaasaan isaa addeessa.Barsiisota keessaa deggertootni barattoota kanaa waan jiraniif humnaa fi sodaa tokko malee barattootni waraqaa miseensummaadhaaf wayyaanee biraa dhufe ciruudhaan,isa kaan ammoo ibiddaan gubuudhaan ergamtoota wayyaanee garaa gubanii akka jiran akkasuma barumsi hanga ammaatti nageenyaan itti hin fufin waan jiruuf naannoo mana barumsaa isaanis hidhattoota wayyaaneetiin qabamee akka jiru gabaasaan Qeerroo Aanaa kanaa addeessa. Barattootni kan jedhan ammas nuti miseensummaaf hin jiraannu,wayyaanee miti kan nu jiraachisu dhaaba qabna kan nu hoogganu,kan haqaaf dhaabbate,kan nun ajjeesne,kan nu kunuunsu,ilmaan oromoof kan dhaabbatu,maqaa dhayuu baannu isin kan beektaniidha, kaayyoo dhaabichaa waan beektaniif yaaddoon akkas isin fiigsaa jira,nuti biyyas qabna dhaabas qabna,nuti oromoodhaa habashaa miti kan jedhu barruu adda addaa waraqaa xixiqqaadhaan mooraa keessaa fi alaan facaasanii akka jiranii fi sirba qabsoos waliin sirbuudhaan tikootaa fi hojjettoota wayyaanee garaa gubanii akka jiran gabaasanii jiru.
Kana malees Gabaasu Qeerroo Yuuniversitii Finfinnee kiiloo 6 irraa akka addeessutti guyyaa har’aa Sadaasa 14 mootummaan wayyaanee kabaja yeroo darbe sadaasa 9 barattootan kabajame irratti odeeffannaa dhaga’een dhaabni ABO caasaa isaa yuuniversitiiwwaan jira irraa yuuniversitii Finfinnee keessa bal’ifatee waan jiruuf,barataan oromoo kamiyyuu mooraa kana keessa kan argamu barataa guyyaas haata’u galgala dabalatee miseensummaa keenyaan hoogganamuu qaba kan jedhu xalayaan akka mooraa yuuniversitii kiiloo 6 iccitiidhaan seene gabaasaan isaa addeessa. Akkasuma akka madda gabaasaa kanaatti yuuniversitii jiran hunda irra shakkii guddaan mootummaan wayyaanee irraa qabu barattoota yuuniversitii Finfinnee yoo tahu basaasota garagaraa fageenyaa fi dhiyeenya irraa miindaa ggurguddaadhaan mooraa kana keessatti ramada akka jiru gocha isaan iccitiidhaan gochuuf deeman maddi gabaasaa kanaa addeessa. Dhimma miseensummaa guutuu ilaalchisee ejjeennoon mootummaan wayyaanee lafa kaayatee fi dabarsee jiru yuuniversitii Finfinneetti barataan kamuu hanga nuti biyya bulchaa jirrutti miseensummaa hin guutu yoo tahe barumsa irraa dismiss tahuu danda’a,kun yeroo gabaabaa keessatti akka xumuramu dirqamni akka bahe gabaasaan isaa addeessa.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Ob. Jawar Mohammed on the Ongoing Assaults on Immigrants in the Gulf States … “We Must Take Back Our Homeland to End the Oromo National Homelessness” Sadaasa/November 14, 2013 · From Ob. Jawar Mohammed’s Facebook page …
“We could ask foreign powers and do-gooders to throw us blankets to survive the cold, and leftover food to get by. But, we will still be back to the same destitution the next day or the one after. The only and lasting solution to this humiliating national homelessness is to take back our homeland. “
- Ob. Jawar Mohammed on how to end the Oromo national homelessness (i.e. the global Oromo refugee crisis)

The savage mobocratic attack on our people in Saudi Arabia is the culmination of the horrific stories of abuses we have been hearing over the last several years. From Alem Dachasa’s heartwrenching death in Lebanon in 2012 to the weekly news of maids killed by their employers in almost all Gulf countries to the mass-scale attacks perpetrated by the Saudi police and mobs, we are observing a worsening of the situation for our people in the region.
There appears to be three factors at play leading to this escalation. First, particularly in the Saudi case, instead of taking responsibilities for the extravagant waste of resources and unproductive economic policies that have resulted in the growing rate of unemployment, the Saudi government and media have been spreading blames on migrants taking away jobs. Consequently, the Saudi public has come to associate their economic hardship with ‘invasion of foreigners’ as their media like to frame the issue. Second, due to oppressive regimes that rule through exclusivist and exploitative economic conditions, the number of our refugees crossing the Red Sea has skyrocketed. The UNCHR reports show that between 100,000-120,000 refugees enter Yemen every year. Most, if not all, of these refugees aim their final destination to be Saudi Arabia. Third, that part of the world is still stuck in medieval racist views. Even before the latest xenophobic campaigns, they have been known for being cruel towards African migrants, particularly. I have heard endless tales of horrific racist rants and physical attacks against maids and laborers by their employers, the police and ordinary folks on the street. In fact, I can attest from experience that even the ‘most enlightened’ of them: diplomats, businessmen, students and princes still have a shockingly Darwinian view of humanity. The racism in that part of the world cannot be denied or excused. Its ugly face and nasty brutality are out there in full display. The latest racist outburst is nothing but a public display of what they have been subjecting our brothers and sisters in seclusion in their houses.
I anticipate each of these three factors to get worse in the near future. The social and political upheaval in the region following the Arab Spring, and the expected downward spiral of the economy are likely to further fuel xenophobia as regimes will continue to rely on externalizing internal these problems to remain in power. Sadly, I cannot foresee lots of practical solutions. For instance, the humanitarian approach(advocacy and refugee service type) is unlikely to work because the Saudis just do not have room for civil societies. A person I know tried to set up a shelter for the battered maids, but he spent over a year trying to get some sort of permit to no avail. One official actually told him in plain language that they had no law for such a permit. He then decided to host some of the worst affected in house he rented. An employer of one of the battered women, the very person who brutalized her, found out the place after extracting confession by torturing her friend. He then brought the police, which raided the place, arrested the Good Samaritan, returned some of the women to their tormenting employers and deported the rest. Even during the latest crisis, an elderly person who has lived there for over 40 years and supposedly well known to the authorities, went to appeal to the government to stop the violence. Instead of heeding to his plea, he was beaten up by the officials, arrested and awaiting deportation (despite having all the legal papers).
The other alternative, and perhaps more effective way, of helping them would have been the diplomatic channel. After the beheading of an Indonesian woman few years back, Jakarta responded strongly by threatening to severe economic and political ties. The Saudis gave in to the pressure, releasing hundreds of Indonesians from detentions. During the recent attack on migrants, Indonesians are said to be the least affected. However, when we come to the Ethiopian government, we are observing a reaction that borders endorsing the Saudi policy of mass violence. The foreign ministry and its diplomats downplayed the severity by blaming on social media’s exaggeration; they even tried to justify the crackdown saying the targets are only illegal immigrants. Notwithstanding the fact that the attack did not make such differentiation, whether they went there legally or illegally, a government has a solemn duty to stand up and defend its citizens, particularly when they come under attack by foreigners. Then, why is the Ethiopian government cozying up to the Saudis instead of siding with the victims?
This could be attributed to multitude of factors. First, over last year, the relationship between the Ethiopian regime and the Saudi-based immigrants has deteriorated. Triggered by the protest over violations of religious freedom, the immigrant community stood firm against the regime – refusing to buy and disrupting the so-called Abbay Bond sell. Hence, it’s understandable that the regime has little love for them. In fact, the regime stands to benefit from destabilization of such resourceful and near-to-home Diaspora that is increasingly falling into the opposition’s side. This is what’s consular officers have been signaling to elders who went to speak with them. Second, we shall recall the report that the Ethiopian rulers have reached an agreement with the Saudi government to send 45,000 maids ‘legally.’ Hence, the displacement of the rebellious ‘illegals’ will make room for the new ones who – because they will be recruited, vetted monitored by the regime’s agencies while in Saudi – are less likely to stand against it.
Finally, the vast majority of these brutalized refugees are Oromos (it is estimated that over half a million Oromo refugees reside in the Gulf States). The severity of the refugee crisis the Oromo nation is facing — from North Africa to South Africa, Kenya and the Middle East — is indicative of the severity of the repression and exploitation going on in our country. The past colonizers reduced our people to servitude. Back then, our people at least remained on their land even though they were robbed of most of their production. Today, our people are dispossessed of even that plot of land as the occupiers are giving it to their own and selling it to foreigners. Millions are internally displaced and have become urban squatters. Hundreds of thousands flee every year to escape political persecution and save their family from starvation by risking certain death while crossing the Red Sea and the African deserts. Put simply, as a nation, we have become homeless. No amount of humanitarian outreach and lobbying foreign charity can solve this problem for us. We could ask foreign powers and do-gooders to throw us blankets to survive the cold, and leftover food to get by. But, we will still be back to the same destitution the next day or the one after. The only and lasting solution to this humiliating national homelessness is to take back our homeland. This fact must sink.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Gocha Gaddisisaa

gocha guddaa gaddisiisaa saba kenya irratti yaroo adda addati gidiraafii acuccaa addaa garaa ilaalaa haraa ira genyerra .amas gochaan sukanisaa kun ittumma fufee jiraa .umatii kenyaa biyya kesaa akka ittijiraatu dhabe(sababaa siyaasaatiniis ta ee sababaa rakko dinagdee dhaan ) biyya ambaatii godaanaa jiraachuun isaa nibeekamaa .kana irran kan ka ee sabiii kenyaa baayyen biyya Soud Arabiyaatii gidirfamaafii acuccaa adda adda argaa jiru ,kana egaa motumaan wayyaaneedhaa daandii gudinaa wagaa 22 tti lakkofsisee mee yaa jamaa namumaa taa ee ilaaluuf kun dalga namatti hinta uu? baroota salgen darbaniif gudina dinagdee dhaan heduu biyya lakofsiiste ,ummatii ishee waan hojatan ituu hintaanee waan nyaatan dhabanii,hojachuuf ha aafutii bashananaaf ille bakka iyyaadamnee fi waa ee jaalalaa maallaqaafi jaalalaa amantaadhaan alla kabaja dhala namaaf kan tasumayyu dima kan hinqabaanee(biyya Arabaa) biyya dukkanaa kessattii burjujaahaa jiruu.kumaatamaan kanlakaawaamaan oboletoota kenyaa biyya dukana kanaaf hojatu manumaaf ergaa waa ee gudinna dinagdee biyichaa sirnii nutti xebaru kun ama afaan maalin nutti haasa aa laata ?maqaa hojaa(dalagaa)fakkesse sabaa kabaja qabu fudhee arabaa waa een dhala namaa isaa hindhibnee (iddo itti hinlaanne) tti latee ka ee ummatta kanaaf garuu egumsaa nagumaa tokko ille kan hingonee addunyaa irratii motummaa wayyanne duwaa dha.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Ethiopian man shot dead by Saudi police
An Ethiopian man has been killed by Saudi police officers as Riyadh continues its crackdown on migrants.

According to a statement released by Saudi police spokesman Nasser al-Qahtani on Wednesday, the man was killed in southern Riyadh on Tuesday.
The Saudi government launched a crackdown on “illegal” migrants including workers early this year. Riyadh offered amnesty to allow the workers to legalize their stay.
Expatriates account for around nine million of Saudi Arabia’s population of 28 million.
Meanwhile, Filipino workers deported from Saudi Arabia say they have been abused and treated “like animals” by Saudi authorities.
Thirty Filipino workers, who returned to Manila on Monday, revealed details of their ordeal during their stay in Saudi Arabia.
“They treated us like animals,” said 46-year-old domestic helper Amor Roxas.
Saudi police rounded up the workers in a crowded cell for four days before they were allowed to return home, Roxas stated.
Yvonne Montefeo, another worker, said, “Our feet were chained.”
According to Migrante International, a support group for overseas Filipino workers, the immigrants were among an estimated 6,700 Filipinos stranded in parts of Saudi Arabia for the lack of documents.
The group warned that the Filipinos “are in danger of being violently dispersed, arrested and detained by Saudi authorities.”
Thursday, November 7, 2013
ኢትዮጵያ፣ የቦምብ ፍንዳታ እና ማስጠንቀቂያው
ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ የሽብር ጥቃቶች ሊደርሱ ይችላሉ በሚል የጸጥታ ኃይሎች በተጠንቀቅ እንዲቆሙ በታዘዙበት በኣሁኑ ወቅት በቤኒሻንጉል ጉሙዝ ክልል በኣንድ የህዝብ ማመላለሻ ተሽከርካሪ ላይ በፈነዳ ቦምብ አራት ሰዎች መሞታቸው ተዘገበ።
ከሶስት ሳምንታት በፊት የኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ቡድን ላዓለም ዋንጫ ማጣሪያ አዲስ ኣበባ ላይ ከናይጄሪያው ቡድን ጋር በሚጫወትበት ዕለት ጥቃት ለማድረስ ሲዘጋጁ ነበር የተባሉ ሁለት የሶማሊያ ኣጥፍቶ ጠፊዎች በራሳቸው ቦምብ መሞታቸው ይታወሳል።
ከዚሁ ጋር ተያይዞ ህብረተሰቡም ጥንቃቄ እንዲያደርግ መንግስት እያሳሰበ ሲሆን የጥንቃቄ ማስጠንቀቂያውን ተከትሎም በተለያዩ አካባቢዎች የጸጥታ ቁጥጥሩ መጠናከሩም ተሰምቷል።
የዛሬ ሶስት ሳምንታት ገደማ መሆኑ ነው የኢትዮጵያ የእግር ኩዋስ ብሔራዊ ቡድን ለዓለም ዋንጫ ማጣሪያ አዲስ ኣበባ ላይ ከናይጄሪያው ብ/ቡድን ጋር በሚጫወትበት ዕለት ጥቃት ለማድረስ ሲሞክሩ ነበር የተባሉ ሁለት የሶማሊያ ኣጥፍቶ ጠፊዎች የራሳቸው ቦምብ ፈንድቶባቸው ከቤታቸው ሳይወጡ መሞታቸውን የኢትዮጵያ ፖሊስ ኣስታውቆ ነበር። ይኽንኑ ተከትሎ የኢትዮጵያ የደህንነትና ጸጥታ ባለስልጣናት ኣልሸባብ በአዲስ ኣበባ እና በተለያዩ የኣገሪቱ አካባቢዎች ጥቃት ለማድረስ እየተዘጋጀ መሆኑን በመግለጽ የፖሊስ እና ጸጥታ ኃይሎች በተጠንቀቅ እንዲቆሙ ማዘዛቸውን ገልጿል።
ባለፈው ማክሰኞ ደግሞ በቤንሻንጉል ጉሙዝ ክልል ሰኞ ገበያ በተባለ ስፍራ በህዝብ ማማላለሻ ሚኒባስ ተሽከርካሪ ላይ የፈነዳ ቦምብ አራት ሰዎችን መግደሉ ተዘግቧል። የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ከኣልሸባብ በተጨማሪም በኤርትራ መንግስት ይደገፋሉ የሚላቸውን ሌሎች በኣገር ውስጥ የሚንቀሳቀሱ ተቃዋሚዎችን ከሽብር ጥቃት ጋር ኣያይዞ ሲወነጅል መቆየቱም ኣይዘነጋም።
የፊታችን ህዳር 29 ቀን በጅጅጋ ከተማ ይከበራል ተብሎ ከሚጠበቀው ዓመታዊ የብ/ብ/ ቀን ጋር በተያያዘ ዓማጺው የኦጋዴን ነጻ ኣውጪ ግንባር ጥቃት ሊያደርስ ይችላል በሚል በጅጅጋ ከተማ እና በአካባቢው የጸጥታ ቁጥጥሩ እጅግ መጠናከሩ ሲታወቅ በጅጅጋ ጎዳናዎች ላይ በየ 50 ሜትሩ ሰዎች በፍተሻ እንደሚዋከቡና ካለፉት ጥቂት ቀናት ወዲህ ደግሞ በጅጅጋ ከተማ የቤት ለቤት ፍተሻም እየተካሄደ መሆኑ ተሰምቷል።
በተቀሩት የኣገሪቱ ኣካባቢዎችም ህዝቡ የጸጉረ ልውጥ ሰዎች እንቅስቃሴን እየተከታተለ ለመንግስት እንዲጠቁም እና በተለይ የሆቴሎች አልጋ ኣከራዮችና በየመንደሩ ያሉ ቤት ኣከራዮችም ከፍተኛ ጥንቃቄ እያደረጉ የተለየ ነገር ሲያጋጥም ወዲያውኑ ለመንግስት እንዲያሳውቁ መንግስት ኣሳስቧል።
ስለዚሁ ጉዳይ እንዲያብራሩልን የኢትዮጵያው የኮሞኒኬሺን ጉዳዮች ሚኒስትር ዲዔታ አቶ ሽመልስ ከማል ዘንድ ስልክ ደውለን ነበር። ፈቃደኛ ግን ኣልነበሩም። የኮሚኒኬሺን ጉዳዮች ሞኒስትሩ አቶ ሪድዋን ሁሴን ግን ለመንግስታዊው የኢትዮጵያ ቴሌቪዢን እንደገለጹት መንግስታቸው የሽብር ጥቃት መታቀዱን መረጃ ማግኘቱን ኣውስተው ህዝቡ ጥንቃቄ በማድረግ እና ለመንግስት ጥቆማ በማቅረብ እንዲተባበራቸው ጥሪ ኣድርጘል።ሆኖም ግን ከጥንቃቄ ያለፈ ህብረተሰቡ ተሸብሮ የዕለት ተለት እንቅስቃሴውን እንዲያቆም የሚያስገድድ ነገር ኣለመኖሩንም አቶ ርድዋን ኣስረድቷል።
በኣልሸባብ እና በኢትዮጵያ መንግስት መካከል ፍጥጫ መኖሩ ኣይካድም የሚሉት የፖለቲካ ተንታኙ አቶ ጀዋር መሃመድ የኣሁኑ የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ማስጠንቀቂያና መግለጫ አዲስ ነገር የለውም ይላሉ። እንደ አቶ ጀዋር ይህ የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ተቀናቃኞቹን ለማሰር እና የፖለቲካ ትርፍ ለመሸመት የሚጠቀምበት የተለመደ የፕሮፓጋንዳ ስልት ነው።
በዩኤስ አሜሪካ ኒውዮርክ ከተማ በኮሎምቢያ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የፒኤችዲ ጥናት በማድረግ ላይ የሚገኙት አቲ ጀዋር መሐመድ ከወዲሁ ማስተካከያ ካልተበጀለት የዚህ ኣይነቱ ኣካሄድ አደጋም ኣለው ባይ ናቸው። ምክኒያቱም አቶ ጀዋር እንደሚሉት ተጨባጭ ነገር ሳይኖር ጥቃት ሊፈጸም ነው እየተባለ ህዝቡ የተለመደ የመንግስት ፕሮፓጋንዳ ነው እያለ በተዘናጋበት ኣጋጣሚ እውነተኛው የሽብር ጥቃት በተቃጣ ጊዜ መንግስት ከጎኑ የሚቆምለት ህዝብ ያጣል። አደጋውም የከፋ ይሆናል።
ባሳለፍነው ወር የአልሸባብ ታጣቂዎች በኬኒያ ናይሮቢ በሚገኘው የዌስት ጌት የበያ ማዕከል ላይ በጣሉት ጥቃት 67 ንጹኃን ዜጎች መገደላቸው የሚታወስ ሲሆን እ ኣ ዘ ኣ በ 2010 በጎረቤት ኡጋንዳ የዓለም ዋንጫ ጫወታን ለመከታተል በታደሙ ዜጎች ላይ በደረሰ የቢምብ ፍንዳታም እንዲሁ 74 ያህል ሰዎች መሞታቸው ኣይዘነጋም።
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